Paper Submission and Proceedings

Formatting Instructions
Papers should be no longer than 20 single-spaced pages, 10pt font, including figures and references. All submissions must follow the LNCS format, see the instructions at Springer's web site:
Files must be submitted electronically in PDF format and must be formatted for 8.5×11 inch paper.
All papers in scope will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.
Workshop Proceedings
Interim proceedings containing a collection of the papers presented will be distributed at the workshop in electronic form.
It is planned to also publish a post-workshop proceedings in the Springer "Lecture Notes on Computer Science" series, as was done in previous years (pending approval from Springer).
Author Deadline
Author Notification
Workshop-Ready Paper
JSSPP 2017 - the Workshop on Jobs Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. Contact email: